Kischmisch Lutschistji   / Kishmish Luczystyj
  • Kischmisch Lutschistji   / Kishmish Luczystyj
  • Kischmisch Lutschistji   / Kishmish Luczystyj
  • Kischmisch Lutschistji   / Kishmish Luczystyj

Kischmisch Lutschistji / Kishmish Luczystyj

No tax 5-7

Kishmish Luczystyj is a dessert variety, seedless, bred in Moldova. It is a hybrid of Vitis Vinifera (Cardinal x Kishmish Pink) . Kishmish Luczystyj is a self-pollinating, medium-early variety (120 - 130 days) growth quite strong with good woodiness. Conical-cylindrical grapes, moderately compact large 500- 650g and larger even up to 1,5kg. Berries oval 3-5g (22x18mm), pink in colour without seeds, flesh moderately firm, juicy, very tasty with a muscat aroma. Sugar content 18-21% with an acidity of 6-8g/l. Yield of the variety high 75-85%. Medium resistance to disease, similar to Chardonnay, frost resistant down to -22 °C. Very commercially attractive variety. Fruit tolerates transport and cold storage well. Grapevines grafted "Kiszmisz Łuczystyj" are of best quality.

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