New !!! Dolgozdannyj is a dessert variety bred in Ukraine/ V. N. Krajnov. It is a compound hybrid (Talisman x Kishmish Luhistyj). Dolgozdannyj is a self-pollinating, early variety (115-120 days) with moderately strong growth and good woodiness. Grapes large 600 -800 grams, conical, moderately compact. Berries large 8-10g (28x22mm) slightly oval or egg-shaped, white-green, cream-coloured. No tendency to burst. Flesh fleshy and juicy with a harmonised flavour, very tasty. Sugar content 17-19% with an acidity of 6-7g/l. Yield high 80%. Disease resistance good with frost resistance to - 23°C. Fruit tolerates transport and storage well. The variety is suitable for commercial and amateur cultivation. Grapevines grafted Table Grapes Dołgożdannyj are of best quality.