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Dubowskij Różowy / Дубовский Розовый -  5BB
  • Dubowskij Różowy / Дубовский Розовый -  5BB
  • Dubowskij Różowy / Дубовский Розовый -  5BB
  • Dubowskij Różowy / Дубовский Розовый -  5BB
  • Dubowskij Różowy / Дубовский Розовый -  5BB

Dubowskij Różowy / Дубовский Розовый - 5BB

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New!!! Dubovskiy Pink is a dessert variety of the S.E. Gusev selection . It is a composite hybrid ( Vostorg Krasnyj x Jubilej Novocherkovskaya). Dubowski Różowy is a variety self-pollinating, early of 115-120 days with strong growth and good woodiness. Grapes large and very large 800 - 1200 grams and more (even up to 2.5kg) , conical, long (up to 40cm long) moderately compact. Berries very large 14 - 16g ( 34 x 24mm) oval, often with a pointed tip, dark pink, reddish purple. Flesh fleshy juicy with harmonised flavour, very tasty. Sugar content 17-19% with an acidity of 5-6g/l. High yield 75-85%. Disease resistance good with frost resistance to - 24°C. Fruit tolerates transport and storage well. The variety is suitable for commercial and amateur cultivation.Grapevines grafted "Dubowski Różowy" are of best quality.