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Bieszewskij  / БЕШЕВСКИЙ   -  5BB
  • Bieszewskij  / БЕШЕВСКИЙ   -  5BB
  • Bieszewskij  / БЕШЕВСКИЙ   -  5BB
  • Bieszewskij  / БЕШЕВСКИЙ   -  5BB

Bieszewskij / БЕШЕВСКИЙ - 5BB

No tax 5-7

New!! Bieszewskij is a dessert variety of the W. U. Kapelusznyj selection. It is a hybrid mix [( Talizman x Andriusza) x Pierwozwannyj]. Bieszewskij is a very early variety: 105-110 days . Strong growth, with good woodiness, it is self-pollinating. The grapes are big and very big 600-800 and above, cylindrical-conical, medium compact. Berries are: very big 14-16g, slightly oval, red darkness with purple (plum-coloured) coating. Flesh fleshy and crunchy, a harmonized taste, very tasty. It has a high sugar level: 17-19% has low acidity: 6-7 g/l. Fertility of this variety is high (75- 80%). Disease resistance is very good, frost resistance -23 °C. It tolerates transport and cold storage very well. It is a suitable variety for amateur and commercial plantations. The grafted sapling of Bieszewskij table grapes is of the highest quality.

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