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Zwiezdnyje Wrata  / ЗВЕЗДНЫЕ ВРАТА  -  K 5BB
  • Zwiezdnyje Wrata  / ЗВЕЗДНЫЕ ВРАТА  -  K 5BB
  • Zwiezdnyje Wrata  / ЗВЕЗДНЫЕ ВРАТА  -  K 5BB
  • Zwiezdnyje Wrata  / ЗВЕЗДНЫЕ ВРАТА  -  K 5BB

Zwiezdnyje Wrata / ЗВЕЗДНЫЕ ВРАТА - K 5BB

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New !!! Zwiezdnye Vrata is a dessert variety of V.M. Kalugin's selection. It is a compound hybrid ( Talisman x Red Globe). Zwiezdnye Vrata is a self-pollinating variety with an average maturation time of 125-130 days with strong growth and good woodiness. Grapes large and very large 800- 1500 grams, conical, medium compact. Berries very large 20 - 25g, round (36-38mm), dark red . Flesh firm, fleshy juicy, harmonised, with delicate fruity notes, very tasty. Fruits do not burst from rain. Sugar content high 18-20% with an acidity of 5-6g/l. High yield 80-85%. Disease resistance very good with frost resistance down to - 23°C. Fruit tolerates transport and storage well. The variety is suitable for commercial and amateur cultivation.