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New!!! Nadzhda Aksayskaya is a dessert variety from the selection of V.H. Krajnov. It is a composite hybrid (Talisman x Arkadia). Nadezhda Aksayskaya is a self-pollinating dessert variety, early 110-115 days with strong growth and good woodiness. The grapes are large and very large 700-1200 g even up to 2kg, conical, rather compact. Berries are large 10-12 g, oval, egg-shaped, bright white-yellow in the sun with an amber blush. The berries do not burst with excess moisture. The flesh is compact, crunchy, with a harmonised flavour, at full ripeness noticeable aromas of muscat, very tasty. The sugar content is high at 18-19% with an acidity of 5-6g/l. Yield is very high (85-95%), bushes managed on long wood can yield between 30-40kg. Disease resistance is very good and frost resistance to - 23°C. The fruit tolerates transport and storage well. The variety is suitable for commercial and amateur cultivation. Grafted vines of Nadezhda Aksayskaya are of the best quality.