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Kiszmisz Kondariew / Кишмиш Кондарев
  • Kiszmisz Kondariew / Кишмиш Кондарев
  • Kiszmisz Kondariew / Кишмиш Кондарев

Kiszmisz Kondariew / Кишмиш Кондарев

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Kishmish Kondarev is a dessert, seedless variety bred by G. Dimitrov, Plovd, Bulgaria. It is a hybrid (May x Seyve Villard 20-365 ) with an early ripening time of 105 - 110 days. Kishmish Kondariev is a self-pollinating variety with strong growth and good woodiness. Cylindrical-conical clusters, large 300-500g moderately compact. Berries oval or cylindrical, yellow-green, large 30x19mm, 6-8g, no tendency to burst. Flesh crisp, juicy with a pleasant flavour with muscat aromas, very tasty. Sugar content high 18-20% with low acidity 5-6g/l. Yield high 75-80%. Good disease resistance as with the more resistant Vitis Vinifera varieties. Frost resistance -22 °C. Variety tolerates transport and storage well. Suitable for both amateur and commercial cultivation.