Galbena NOU  / Галбена HOY  - 5BB
  • Galbena NOU  / Галбена HOY  - 5BB
  • Galbena NOU  / Галбена HOY  - 5BB
  • Galbena NOU  / Галбена HOY  - 5BB
  • Galbena NOU  / Галбена HOY  - 5BB

Galbena NOU / Галбена HOY - 5BB

No tax 5-7

Galbena NOU is a dessert variety bred at the Y.I. Potapenko Institute/Russia from a cross between varieties (Frumosa Alba x Korinka Ruskaja). It is one of the earlier hybrid varieties, while still enjoying success due to its unreliable yield, taste and disease resistance. Galbena NOU is an early variety (110-120 days), strongly growing with good woodiness and self-pollinating. The grapes are fairly compact, large to very large 500-800g and larger. Berries round to slightly oval, large 24x23mm weighing 8-9g. Berry colour greenish white at full ripeness amber white. Flesh fleshy juicy tasty with a pleasant muscat aroma. Fertility high 80-85%. Fruits do not crack when excess moisture is present. Disease resistant variety and frost resistant to -25°C. Very well tolerates transport and cold storage.The grafted sapling of "Gałbena NOU" table grapes is of the highest quality.

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