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Rubi Seedles  - 5BB
  • Rubi Seedles  - 5BB
  • Rubi Seedles  - 5BB

Rubi Seedles - 5BB

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Ruby Seedless It is Table Grapes variety seedless was grown in USA. . It is a hybrid variete (Keuka x Ontario). Ruby Seedless it’s variety medium-early: 115-125 days. It has medium-strong growth, good woodiness, self-pollinating. Grapes are conical-cylindrical, medium compact and they medium :200-300g. Berries are: medium 6-7 [g], 16x18 [mm]. round, pink, pink-red darkness. Flesh they are fleshy and juscy, with the aftertaste of the wild strawberry, strawberries. It has a high level of sugar: 17-19%, the low acidity 6-7 g/l. It has got very high frost(-30°С) and disease resistance. It is a suitable variety for amateur. It stands transport and cold storage very well. Grapevines grafted "Ruby Seedless" are of best quality.