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Livia is a dessert grape variety bred in Ukraine / Magaracz Institute. Livia is a compound hybrid (Flamingo x Arkadia). Livia is a very early variety (105 - 110 days). It is a self-pollinating, strong-growing variety with good woodiness. Conical grapes, large and very large 800-1200g, 25cm or more in length, medium compact. Berries oval in shape, pink 28 x 20 mm weighing 10 - 12 g. Flesh fleshy juicy, very tasty with a muscat aroma. The muscat aroma persists long after the fruit has been picked. Sugar content 18-20% with a low acidity of 6-7g/l. High yield 70 - 80%. Good disease resistance with frost resistance of -22°С. Fruit tolerates transport and storage very well without losing flavour and aroma. The variety is suitable for the establishment of amateur and commercial plantations.Grapevines grafted "Liwia" are of best quality.