Waniusza / Wikont / Виконт - 5BB
New !!! Waniusza /Wikont is a dessert variety bred in Ukraine by V. N. Krajnov. It is a composite hybrid (Kiesza I x Kishmish Luhistyj). Vaniusha is a medium early variety 125-135 days old with moderately strong growth and good woodiness. Grapes large to very large 900-1400 g and larger, conical-cylindrical, moderately compact. Berries very large 15-18 g (36x28 mm), oval, yellow-green. Flesh compact, crisp with harmonised flavour, with delicate fruity notes, very tasty. The fruit does not crack from excess rain. Sugar content 17-19% with an acidity of 6-7g/l. High yield of 70-75%. Disease resistance good, frost resistance to - 23°C. Fruit tolerates transport and storage well. The variety is suitable for commercial and amateur cultivation. The grafted "Waniusza" table grape seedling is of the highest quality.