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Iłłarija   /  Иллария  -  125AA
  • Iłłarija   /  Иллария  -  125AA
  • Iłłarija   /  Иллария  -  125AA
  • Iłłarija   /  Иллария  -  125AA

Iłłarija / Иллария - 125AA

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New !!! Iłłarija is a dessert variety bred by V.V. Zagorulko. It is a complex hybrid (FVR-7-9 x Livia). Iłłarija a self-pollinating variety an early 110 - 115 days. It is trong growth with good woodiness. Conical or conically cylindrical clusters, loose large and very large 600-1000g. Berries oval or cylindrical, milky white to light yellow, large 10-15g (35 x 28mm). Flesh tight, crisp, harmonised, very tasty, at full maturity with apple flavour. The variety accumulates a lot of sugar 16-19% with a low acidity of 5-6g/l. Yield of the variety very high 85%. Medium disease resistance with frost resistance down to -21 °C. The fruit tolerates transport and storage very well. The variety is suitable for the establishment of amateur and commercial plantations. Grapevines grafted "Iłłarija" are of best quality.