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Manicure Finger   / マニキュアフィンガ   - 5 BB
  • Manicure Finger   / マニキュアフィンガ   - 5 BB
  • Manicure Finger   / マニキュアフィンガ   - 5 BB
  • Manicure Finger   / マニキュアフィンガ   - 5 BB
  • Manicure Finger   / マニキュアフィンガ   - 5 BB
  • Manicure Finger   / マニキュアフィンガ   - 5 BB

Manicure Finger / マニキュアフィンガ - 5 BB

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New !!! Manicure Finger is a dessert variety of the selection of the Uehara Grape Research Institute in Yamanashi / Japan . It is a hybrid of Vitis Vinifera (Unicorn x Baladi no.2). Manicure Finger is a self-pollinating, medium-late variety 125-135 days, with strong growth with good woodiness. Grapes large and very large 500-1500 grams, cylindrical, medium compact. Berries very large 12 - 18g, oblong , cylindrical (50x30mm), initially yellow with dark pink tinged tips, with time in the sun dark red-purple colour. Flesh firm, crisp, harmonised, very tasty. Sugar content 16-18% with an acidity of 6-7g/l. High yield 80-85%. Medium disease resistance (as in more resistant Vitis Vinifera) with frost resistance to - 20°C. Fruit tolerates transport and storage well. The variety is suitable for commercial and amateur cultivation. The grafted sapling of "Manicure Finger " table grapes is of the highest quality.