- New

New !!! Slobozhanskyj is a dessert variety bred in Ukraine / A.I. Kitajchenko. It is a complex hybrid (Talisman x Rizamat +p.m.). Slobozhanskiy is a variety, self-pollinating, medium early 115 - 125 days. Strong growth with good woodiness. Conical grapes, medium tight, very large 700-1500g even up to 2kg. Berries very large 18 -23g (40 x 32mm) oval - egg-shaped, dark red, reddish purple. They have no tendency to burst. Flesh fleshy, crisp, harmonised, with fruity notes, very tasty. The variety accumulates a lot of sugar 16-18% with low acidity 6-7g/l. The yield of the variety is high 85%. Variety very attractive both for its appearance and taste. Good disease resistance with frost resistance down to -23 °C. Fruit tolerates transport and storage very well. The variety is suitable for the establishment of amateur and commercial plantations.