- New

New!!! Muskat Ługańskij a dessert grape variety originating from Ukraine. It is a mix of a hybrid [ ZOS-1 x (Kiszmisz łuczystyj x SP(mixed flower pollen))]. Variety Muskat Ługańskij is early (115-120 days). It has strong growth, with good woodiness, it is self-pollinating. Grapes are conical, often with a wing, medium-tight, very big 800-1000g. Berries are big 8-10g (30x24mm) oval, yellow-green, yellow in the sun with a blush. Flesh fleshy and juicy, at full maturity with a delicate muscat aroma, with fruity notes, very tasty. It has a high level of sugar: 19-21%, the low acidity. 6-7 g/l. - Fertility of this variety is high 80-85%. It has very good resistant to fungal diseases and resistant frosts to -23°С. It stands transport and cold storage very well. It is a suitable variety for amateur and commodity plantations. Grapevines grafted „Muskat Ługańskij” are of best quality.