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Silwer / СИЛЬВЕР - 5BB
  • Silwer / СИЛЬВЕР - 5BB
  • Silwer / СИЛЬВЕР - 5BB
  • Silwer / СИЛЬВЕР - 5BB

Silwer / СИЛЬВЕР - 5BB

No tax 5-7

New!!! Silwer is a dessert variety from the selection of S.E. Gusev. It is a composite hybrid (Sister of Venetian x Summer Muscat). Silwer is an open-pollinated variety, (female flowers - very well pollinated) early 110-115 days with strong growth and good bed wood. The grapes are large and very large 600-800 g and larger, cylindrical-conical, moderately compact. Berries are very large 10-12 g, oval, with pointed tip, bright white-green, milky yellow. The flesh is fleshy juicy with a fine muscat flavour when fully ripe, very tasty. Sugar content is high at 18-19% with 5-7g/l acidity. Yield is high (75-85%). Disease resistance is good and frost resistance to - 22°C. The fruit tolerates transport and storage well. The variety is suitable for commercial and amateur cultivation. Silwer grafted vines are of high quality.

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