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Wostorg Krasnyj
  • Wostorg Krasnyj
  • Wostorg Krasnyj

Wostorg Krasnyj

41,60 zł
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Wostorg Krasnyj / Zos -1, Zosja. Table grapes, fruited varieties – Wostorg Krasnyj (Zos -1, Zosja). It is a dessert plant variety of grapevine. It was grown in Russia. It is a mix of a hybrid camposite (Wostorg x Oryginał). It is open-pollinated, requiring pollinators,(for example Timur, Różowe Cudo - varieties autogamous), byt they pollinate easily even in hard conditions. It’s medium-early: 120-125 days. Grapes are big and very big (550-800g), conical, medium-related. Berries are: big 6-8 [g], 28x23 [mm], conical – oval, pink – red. Flesh: very tasty, fleshy and juscy with a harmonized taste. It has a high level of sugar: 18-23% due to the low acidity. 6-8 g/l. Fertility of this variety is high (70%). It has medium-strong growth, woodem-skids. It has got very high frost(-27°C) and disease resistance. - It stands transport and cold storage very well. It is a suitable variety for amateur and commodity plantations.