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Fresno Seedless / Fresno C 32-68
  • Fresno Seedless / Fresno C 32-68
  • Fresno Seedless / Fresno C 32-68

Fresno Seedless / Fresno C 32-68

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Fresno Seedless is a dessert seedless ( Class I) grape variety bred at the Fruit Genetics and Breeding Research Unit, Fresno / USA. Fresno Seedless is a hybrid of Vitis Vinifera [(Cardinal x Thompson Seedless) x ((Red Malaga x Tifafini Ahmer) x (Muscat of Alexandria x Thompson Seedless))]. It is a medium-early variety (115 - 125 days), self-pollinating, strong growing with good woodiness. The clusters are conical-cylindrical, medium size 250-350g, medium compact. Berries are round, bright white-green weighing 2-3g. The flesh is fleshy juicy, harmonised, slightly fruity, very tasty. Sugar content high (19-20%) with low acidity of 5-6g/l. Yield high 80 - 85%. Resistance to diseases is very good with a frost resistance of -21°С. Fruit intended for fresh consumption, rather poorly tolerates transport and storage. Due to its very good disease resistance, low acidity and high sugar (with high yield), in some countries (e.g. Australia) the Fresno variety is used for the production of white wines, especially bio. The variety is suitable for the establishment of amateur and commercial plantations.