Tian – Shan          天山          - K 5BB
  • Tian – Shan          天山          - K 5BB
  • Tian – Shan          天山          - K 5BB
  • Tian – Shan          天山          - K 5BB

Tian – Shan 天山 - K 5BB

No tax 5-7

New !!! Tian Shan. A dessert grape variety bred in China. It is a hybrid of Vitis vinifera, (Bejagan х Rosalio Bianco). The Tian Shan variety is a self-pollinating, medium-early variety (115-125 days). Growth is strong with very good woodiness. Conical clusters often with wings, medium compact, large and very large 700-900g sometimes even 1.5kg. Berries slightly oval, white large 12 - 15g (sometimes can reach a weight of up to 45g), do not burst even in heavy rains. Flesh crisp, harmonised flesh typical of this grape variety, very tasty. Sugar content high 17-19% with low acidity 6-7g/l. Yield high 85%. Good disease resistance (as with more resistant Vitis Vinifera varieties) with a frost resistance of -20°С. Fruit tolerates transport and storage very well. The variety is suitable for the establishment of amateur and commercial plantations.

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